The Forestdale School provides a safe and respectful environment for our family of students, parents, staff and volunteers. Our early learning campus is focused on meeting the needs of the Town's youngest students and supporting their families in the growth and development of their children. Fulfilling this mission for our PreK-2 school of 650 students is the shared responsibility of the school, home and community.
As our mission statement says, we are truly a family of learners. We work each day to cultivate a culture of mutual respect, caring and community among both the students and adults within the building. We work daily to maintain a warm and welcoming atmosphere for students, staff and families knowing that this type of an environment is conducive to learning. We know that mistakes are opportunities for learning, kindness matters and that the success of any individual is contingent on the support of many.
Students at the Forestdale School are taught by highly qualified and dedicated professionals. To ensure continued professional growth, all staff regularly participate in professional development. Literacy professional development is provided by several of our own staff and supported by our on-going relationship with Lesley University and the Literacy Collaborative Program. They also received regular professional development in either math or science that focuses on a deepened understanding of content standards and effective pedagogy. Lastly, the District supports teachers in their pursuit of individual targeted professional development that meets the specific needs of staff and the students they teach.
The students at Forestdale participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities, age-appropriate activities. These extra-curricular activities are available through a combination of staff led programs as well as partnerships with the Town's Recreation Department and our Sandwich Elementary PTA. Parents are kept up to date about events at the school through monthly newsletters, our website, the Virtual Backpack, our Twitter account and our Alert Now system.
The two elementary schools are supported by a very active PTA that supports the work of students and staff. The PTA helps support student activities and enrichment through their fundraising efforts, additionally they provide a variety of other supports to the students and staff through their consistent volunteerism. There is also a strong home-school partnership that contributes to a positive school environment and a family atmosphere.
The continued success for the Forestdale School is a result of well developed relationships and a strong collaborative partnership between students, staff and parents. Each member positively contributes to a culture of support, trust and high expectations that define the Forestdale School Family.